Environment, social & governance
What sustainability means to Xaar
Every business has an opportunity to make a positive contribution to the planet and society, and Xaar is no exception. We are passionate about driving our business in a way that is underpinned by a strong sense of ethics, corporate responsibility and a commitment to minimising our environmental impacts.
Of course, to deliver on our sustainability and ESG ambitions, it is vital that we work towards clear milestones and goals. Which is why in the second half of 2021 we formed a Sustainability Team with governance and accountability through to our Board.
This Group, formed of representatives from across our business, has developed a co-ordinated Sustainability Roadmap that will push Xaar towards its Net Zero by 2030 goal and our wider ESG commitments.
The Roadmap has four key pillars – Environmental, People, Innovation and Community; its purpose is to drive our ESG goals beyond the Energy Reduction scope to a Group wide activity. Our Roadmap will provide an essential backbone for much of Xaar’s future investment and activity.
How we align our ESG roadmap to sustainable development goals
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted in 2015 by the 193 United Nations (UN) member states. There are 17 goals which address economic, environmental and social impacts, and are designed to form a blueprint for good growth, nationally and internationally, by 2030. They are underpinned by 169 targets to help define progress.
Xaar supports the SDGs. We take the view that they help us to understand where our work makes a difference and they act as guiding principles for our business and ESG roadmap and product innovation.
We believe we touch almost all of the SDGs through our operations, our research and development and our sustainability vision. However, we think it is best to rationalise our measurable contributions to where they are likely to make the most impact. We have therefore mapped and ranked our focus to the SDGs to where we have the greatest potential to positively contribute.
Our major contributions are to SDGs 9, 12 and 13, however we have significant impacts on SDG's 3, 4 and 8.